Content success stories for businesses that will bring your brand to life

In this article I want to show you examples of very different businesses, belonging to all kinds of sectors, that have made the right decisions and have obtained great benefits from content.

I will also take this opportunity to offer you advice on campaigns and actions in which I have had the opportunity to participate so that you can avoid those common pitfalls when you start with business content.

Table of Contents Hide ]

  • Why invest in content for businesses like yours
  • Marvel Origins, choosing the right format
    • The Movoto Idea
    • Why it worked
    • My experience with content formats
    • The results of the campaign
  • Hero Baby Grandparents, what matters is what’s inside
    • The idea of ​​Hero Baby
    • Why it works
  • My experience with quality
  • Great days with Kellogg’s, without storytelling there is no paradise
    • Kellogg’s idea
    • Why it worked
    • My experience with storytelling

Why invest in content for businesses like yours

This article is not intended to be a summary of how effective content is for businesses.

However, before analyzing the three practical cases that I want to show you, I would like to briefly summarize the main benefits that content marketing has for commercial brands .

  • Attract traffic to your website . Having a blog with keywords related to your niche will help you rank higher on Google, which will increase traffic to your website.
  • Connect with your potential customers . Especially if your brand is new to the market or requires some education. Content allows you to explain to your audience who you are and why they should choose you.
  • Build loyalty among existing customers . As we will see in the practical cases in this article, content allows you to retain your brand’s current customers. We all know that it is much more difficult to attract a potential customer than to retain one. Why risk losing them?
  • It entertains and informs . Content also serves to entertain and inform, not just to educate about our sector. What’s more, experts believe that the future of content lies precisely in entertainment.
  • It positions you as a leader . If you manufacture screws, you want your potential customers to know you as the best screw manufacturer on the market. Content helps your audience see that you know your sector and that they can trust you as a market leader.
  • Improve your brand reputation . If you’re not online, people will wonder why. If you only have a corporate presence, people will wonder if you have something to hide. If you post once a year, people will wonder what you’re doing. All of these problems can be easily solved: consistent, quality content that tells the world who you are and what you do. That’s online reputation!
  • It allows you to play in the first division . Don’t be afraid to compete with the big teams, for Google we are all almost equal. With perseverance, top-level content and without complexes, you can beat your opponent. It is possible!

Marvel Origins, choosing the right format

The first of the case studies I am going to analyze has to do with the new era of comics (sorry, graphic novels).

It was developed by one of the most important real estate portals in the United States, Movoto , which has some impressive figures:

  • 79 million annual visits to its website
  • 26,000 customers
  • 9 million homes advertised each year

The objective of this portal was to gain visibility in the media, social networks and get more traffic to its website .

And boy did they succeed!

But before I tell you the numbers, let me give you the idea.

The Movoto Idea

Attracting millennials is not easy.

They are used to interacting in real time and various studies show that flat content does not attract them or attracts them much less than interactive content.

That is why Movoto and the agency responsible for the execution of this case study were clear from the beginning that interaction had to be one of the strong points of the actions that would be developed.

The other thing that could not be missing in this campaign developed by the Florida-based agency, FRACTL, was the geeky element .

Needless to say, comics are trendy and attract a lot of people.

Marvel has plenty to offer, both comics and stories, which are the real protagonists of this campaign.

To create this campaign, FRACTL searched the web for information related to the origins of Marvel’s best-known superheroes .

They realized that you don’t have to be born in New York to be a real superhero. In fact, the origins of this army of saviors are spread all over the planet.

Gathering all these stories and presenting them to the world through an interactive map was the agency’s mission, which opted for a highly attractive visual aspect, perfect for its target audience, millennials.

Marvel Superheroes Map

Why it worked

Interactive maps are a perfect format to present boring data or data focused on Marvel characters as in this case.

What’s more, according to a previous survey that FRACTL conducted for Movoto, 35% of respondents chose interactive maps as their preferred format for viewing data.

The map’s creators also focused on the user’s approach. I mean, who doesn’t want to know if their city or country is the birthplace of one of Marvel’s superheroes?

I can tell you in advance that we are not lucky enough to have any born on our homeland, the closest we can go to visit the birthplace of a Marvel superhero is London. It is not Spain, but it is a start.🙂

This element focused on user curiosity is especially important when developing content actions for reasons that I will explain to you below.

My experience with content formats

It is no wonder that this format (and its derivatives, because there is a beautiful infographic on the internet) worked so well in this case study.

My experience with content formats is that you should always consider the one that best fits the needs of your target customer .

[ctt template=»5″ link=»DfJfS» via=»yes» nofollow=»yes»]You should always keep in mind the content format that best suits the needs of your ideal client[/ctt]

Infographics work well in almost all business models and business sectors, but interactive maps are not always a good fit for the B2B sector, for example.

They are fundamentally playful, so consider using them whenever the content action is focused on achieving engagement .

Additionally, interactive maps are very useful whenever you need to present a large amount of data in one place.

For example, if you look at a map of your country, you are probably familiar with the boundaries of the different provinces or states, without the need to add the name of each one.

Thanks to this “mental map” we can place data and communicate figures very easily , giving us a quick idea of ​​what data to process and what to discard.

The results of the campaign

As expected, and despite the fact that the topic is a bit far-fetched in relation to a real estate portal, Movoto’s campaign was a complete success.

More than 370 articles were found with links to the interactive map, which is unfortunately no longer online.

Publications that reported on the action include Yahoo, Mashable, MTV, Sploid, Mental Floss, and Nerdist.

On social media, the campaign achieved more than 9,000 shares including likes, comments, retweets and favorites .

And of course, Movoto achieved nearly 18,000 views of its homepage as a result of media coverage and social media shares.

A complete success!

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