PressRank: Increase the authority of your website with links in newspapers

At Coconut Republic we have several SEO clients for whom we work on the link profile of their website and these media review platforms have become an essential resource in our day-to-day work to do a good job of web positioning on Google , but also for my own projects.

That is why I am constantly testing the services of different platforms, checking the quality of their work and looking for interesting offers.

After working with several, today I want to talk to you about PrensaRank , since lately I have been carrying out several projects with them with very good results.

[alert style=»green»]I warn you that if you stay until the end of the post, you will have a gift waiting for you ;)[/alert]

Table of Contents Hide ]

  • What is PrensaRank?
  • How to buy links in PrensaRank
    • Recharge your balance with your budget
    • Find the perfect newspaper for your wedding
    • Guidelines for the editor, anchors and URLs
  • Groups: The cheapest way to buy links in newspapers
    • What are groups?
    • How to join a group
    • How to create a group
  • Thematic blogs: Another key piece in your strategy
  • Manage your projects with a complete analytics dashboard
    • Control your distribution of anchors and URLs
  • How to get free refills
  • Gift for readers of Not Without My Cookies

What is PrensaRank?


PrensaRank is a platform that gives you access to more than 300 newspapers and more than 1,000 blogs on a wide range of topics.

Although what I like most about these sites are the specific offers they may have, in general PrensaRank has very competitive prices , being able to buy sponsored posts from as little as €6 .

Obviously, prices in the press are higher, but this is where groups come into play . You can join with other people to share the cost of a link in a sponsored post. It’s like the Blablacar of backlinks . I’ll explain this option in detail later.😉

As you can see, the barrier to entry to incorporate newspapers into your link building strategy is considerably reduced thanks to much lower prices, a wide variety of websites and impressive offers.

If we add to all this the fact that they are in charge of the writing and that their platform is very easy to use, the result is a quality, affordable service that saves us a lot of work.

Do you want to buy a link in the press?

Let’s take a look at the platform from the inside.😉

How to buy links in PrensaRank

As always, the first thing to do is register using a simple form and you will be inside the platform.

On the main panel you will see a summary of everything it offers you.


At a glance, in the first two central blocks you will be able to see both the offers available for newspapers and for thematic blogs , which are updated every week.

You have information about the medium in question, its discounted price if you want a sponsored post for yourself alone or the price per group.

In the following 2 blocks you have the same information but in this case for the groups that have already been created. Therefore, they indicate the category of the newspaper in which that article will be included.

In the left side menu, you have quick access to each of the options offered to you to buy reviews in both media and blogs,  as well as your invoices, order status, etc.

Obviously, before you can do anything, you’ll have to top up your account in order to start making purchases, so we’ll see how to do that in a moment.

Recharge your balance with your budget

Before taking this step, it is important that you complete your tax information in your profile so that the invoice can be generated automatically.

At the top right, you will see a blue button that says recharge balance. If you click on it, you will arrive at the following window.


Simply enter the amount you wish to deposit and seect which payment method you wish to use.


You can choose between:

  • PayPal
  • Credit card
  • Bank transfer

If you also have a promotional code , now is the time to include it. They often give away a percentage of the balance you deposit (another extra point :D)

[alert style=»green»]At the end of the post we have a promotional code for you ;)[/alert]

You will only have to click on the green button “ Recharge balance ”, follow the steps indicated according to the selected payment method and that’s it!

It’s time to go in search of the best links through its different options.

Find the perfect newspaper for your wedding

If we access the first option found in the side menu we can  search for newspapers according to our criteria .


The first thing we find is a fairly complete search engine that will allow us to filter by :

  • Topic: It is important that your link appears in a meaningful section within the website. If you have an online pet store, for example, you can filter newspapers with the category “Pets and Nature.”
  • Country: Did you think you could only buy links in Spain? You also have Latin American countries in addition to the United States or the United Kingdom in case your project is aimed at a target audience in these countries.
  • City: I love this option since I work with several businesses on Local SEO . If a client only operates in Madrid, it will be interesting to buy links in specialized media in this region, since Google will understand that it has more relevance for searches in this region, which is ultimately what interests me. It does not mean that I cannot take advantage of the strength of a media from another city or region, but I am interested in having a presence in local media and even more so if my main keywords are accompanied by the location.
  • Name: If you are sure you want a link in a specific medium, you just have to enter its name and search for it.

Let’s take as an example that I want to boost the SEO of a computer store in Madrid, so I use the search engine and indicate as topic ” IT and Technology “, country ” Spain ” and city ” Madrid ” although I could also choose the Community.

I automatically get a large list of media that meet the characteristics I want and they give me information about them in columns such as SEO metrics and their price.


Once this first screening is done, I can sort these newspapers thanks to these values , which range from 0 to 100 and the higher the better:

  • DR – Domain Rating by Ahrefs:  The popular backlink analysis tool (and much more) has its own metric to evaluate the authority of a domain. It aims to show the strength of a website’s link profile by taking into account both quantity and quality.

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