The email marketing copywriting secrets your competition doesn’t want you to know

In 2000 we moved house and my family took advantage of the process of moving to sign up for Internet access through a voucher that allowed them to surf the web for a few hours a day at a “reasonable” price.

And the first thing I did was open an email account.

At the time, I thought the Internet was nothing more than an exciting communication tool, rather than a means of entertainment or business.

My initial intention when I started using email was to communicate with friends and family who lived far from my city.

But I soon discovered that many people around me also used email to send jokes and memes (just like they do now on WhatsApp).

Every day when I got home, I sat in front of my PC.

After waiting for several minutes listening to a series of noises and squeaks coming from the modem, I managed to access the Internet – leaving my family without a telephone – and the first thing I did was log into Outlook to check if I had received any new email.

I felt a bit like the colonel who is the protagonist of García Márquez’s novel No One Writes to the Colonel , who went down to the post office every Friday, trusting that one day he would receive a letter granting him a pension.

Something similar happened to me: although I only received jokes and nonsense in my virtual inbox, I began to realise the great reach that could be achieved on the Internet at a professional and business level.

I knew that things would change and that in the future I would receive job offers and good business opportunities by email .

As the Internet became more prevalent in society, professional proposals, offers and business ideas began to multiply.

And then I realized that we could no longer live without the Internet (and even less without email).

Table of Contents Hide ]

  • Email is dead… Long live email!
  • How copywriting can help you in your email marketing strategy
  • What objective do you seek with your emails?
    • Objective 1: sell by email
    • Objective 2: Generate visibility
    • Objective 3: Warm up the audience
  • Basic elements of a good email
    • Without a good title, no one will read you.
    • Be careful with the tone you use to address your readers
    • Benefits, benefits, benefits
    • Don’t forget about calls to action
  • The best email copywriting formulas you can start using right now
    • PAS formula
    • The Dramatic Pyramid Technique
    • Soap Opera Sequence
    • How to use the Soap Opera copywriting method to launch your courses or products
    • PASTOR formula
  • Copywriting can be the solution to your email marketing problems

Email is dead… Long live email!

It’s been a few years now and email is still in great health.

Although the birth date of email is set in 1971, it was not until the 1990s that email began to be used in a widespread and almost universal way.

And since then until now – although other tools have appeared such as chats , blogs, social networks, bots , WhatsApp, Telegram or Slack – none has been able to end the long reign of email.

It is estimated that 92% of Internet users use at least one email account .

In fact, even people who are less familiar with the digital world nowadays have an email account, configured on their smartphone so they can read the emails they receive in real time.

Along the same lines, other studies indicate that around 75% of young people who are part of the millennial generation prefer to receive corporate or business communications via email , rather than other means such as instant messaging or social networks.

[ctt template=»9″ link=»27e69″ via=»yes» nofollow=»yes»]75% of young people who are part of the millennial generation prefer to receive corporate or business communications via email.[/ctt]

This means that email remains an essential tool that you should always keep in mind when executing your digital marketing strategies .

Do you still think that email is doomed to extinction?

Well, these are some of the reasons why email marketing is still very effective today :

  • It works for any business : everyone is used to receiving information and offers by email. Regardless of what you sell, your customers will never be surprised to receive emails from your company.
  • It’s very cheap : the costs of sending emails are very low, even if you use powerful email management or automation tools. If you have a good list of addresses, the investment will be minimal – much more than if you use, for example, social networks – and I assure you that the return will be huge.
  • Everyone knows how to use it : even my mother has two email accounts that she checks daily on her iPhone. And my mother is not exactly a geek …
  • People are predisposed to read your emails : it is normal for people to only subscribe to email lists that really interest them. Therefore, it is assumed that they are interested (even more so nowadays, when it is mandatory for all subscribers to complete the double opt-in process ).

How copywriting can help you in your email marketing strategy


If you plan to sell your products or services through an email marketing strategy, you need to use copywriting to achieve your goals.

Only by using persuasive texts will you achieve higher opening rates for your emails .

And if you also use some of the techniques that I am going to teach you in this article, you will see how your sales also increase.

To help you understand this better, I’ll give you an example of one of my clients, who has been offering online training for some time.

While he has a great reputation as a business coach in the offline world , when he decided to create a training program via the Internet, things did not turn out as expected.

When I started working with him, I quickly realized that the problem was with the texts, which were not very persuasive.

She had a good email list—which was growing rapidly thanks to the lead magnet she gave away through Facebook Ads—but her email communications weren’t working.

In fact, one of his mistakes was that he communicated with his community only to sell his training services.

Instead of continuing to offer valuable information like the one provided with its lead magnet , the emails it sent to its subscribers were very uninteresting. And on top of that, it was obvious that they were pure sales messages.

And that is something that nobody likes…

The solution I proposed was to create a sequence or chain of automated emails that would serve to warm up his audience.

[ctt template=»9″ link=»WHfgq» via=»yes» nofollow=»yes»]Learn how to create an automated email sequence to warm up your audience and boost your sales[/ctt]

In the first messages we try to provide value, in line with the theme of the lead magnet , without commercial references.

We simply sent subscribers information about the topic that had led them to subscribe, with links to the most popular articles on their blog.

In another email, for example, we generated a debate and asked readers to give us their opinion or participate in a Facebook group.

My goal was to show readers that they might have a problem and that my client’s course could solve it.

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