We find points of interaction between the consumer

In the era of customer-centric business, the key to success has become understanding the needs, expectations and behavior of customers at all stages of interaction with the brand. Customer Journey Map is a powerful visualization tool that allows you to improve customer experience and increase the effectiveness of marketing strategies. What is CJM for, how to create and use it, we will tell you below.

Let’s start with the basics

So, what is CJM? Customer Journey Map is translated as “customer path map”. It is a visualization of the relationship between the company and the client, reflecting their needs, motivation and emotional perception of the brand. Creating a map is relevant at any stage of business development. Newcomers to the market can use it to get to know the potential audience and identify primary points of interaction. And for companies with a long history, this tool will help to study their target audience in depth and stimulate repeat sales.

Typically, a Customer Journey Map is a table or infographic that shows the consumer’s touchpoints with a product or service and their path to making a purchase.


What tasks does CJM solve?

Let’s look at the key ones:

  • Deep understanding of the target audience. Developing a CJM will help you get a clearer picture of your customers: who they are, why they choose your brand, what they are guided by when ordering, etc.
  • Identifying opportunities for improvement. The map clearly shows weak points in interactions with consumers. Understanding what can be improved, you will be able to find growth points.
  • Increased customer loyalty. A customer who is satisfied with the quality and service is more likely to become a regular customer.
  • Interaction process analysis. By creating a map, you can track the customer’s decision-making at different stages and find out what prevents them from making a purchase.
  • Improving the sales process. By identifying your customers’ pain points, you can solve their problems more effectively.

In general, building a Customer Journey Map allows you to more accurately optimize business processes to meet the real needs of customers, which ultimately leads to improved performance indicators.

How to compose CJM

So, now that we have figured out what a Customer Journey Map is, let’s move on to its correct compilation. For the map to be accurate and effective, you need to use different sources of information. Due to this, you will get the most complete reflection of real interaction with the client. As sources, you can use CRM systems, Google Analytics data, insights from marketers and sales managers, conclusions from analysts and product managers, results of focus groups, etc. The more diverse the information collected, the more accurate the customer journey map will be.

To create a CJM, follow this algorithm of actions.

Creating characters

The first step is to create a detailed portrait of a typical representative of the target audience. Key elements of the portrait usually include:

  • demographic data;
  • expectations and preferences;
  • problems and pain points;
  • behavioral patterns, etc.

CJM can be compiled for each individual character or for a group. In the second case, the target audience is divided by interests, behavior, and other criteria.

 and the brand

It is important to identify all communication channels with the client. This could be a website, social networks, direct communication during a personal meeting. Having identified the points of interaction, you will be able to track how your target audience acts.

We study the emotions of our clients

By analyzing how customers feel at mobile app design different stages of their interaction with a brand, you can understand what causes negative reactions and eliminate them. At the same time, understanding positive emotional triggers can help strengthen loyalty and create a stronger connection between the customer and the brand.

Understanding emotions can also be used to personalize offers. Knowing which ones a customer is experiencing at a given moment, a company can offer them exactly what they need.


We determine what is stopping customers

At each stage of the client’s interaction with the company, the following main obstacles can be identified:

  • Low brand visibility on the internet.
  • There is not enough information you need the best business about the product or service on the website.
  • Complicated ordering process or lack of convenient payment methods.
  • Long wait for response from support service.

These are just some of the obstacles a consumer may encounter. And they will be different for every business. Your goal is to find out what is causing difficulties for customers. To do this, you can conduct surveys, analyze NPS indicators to assess overall satisfaction, monitor reviews on different platforms. And, of course, look for solutiokind of usa lists guaranteens. For example, if a client is waiting a long time for a response from managers, you can implement chatbots.

We set tasks

Having completed compiling the client’s CJM, we move on to formulating specific tasks. You need to create a map in electronic format (we will tell you how to do this below) and distribute it among colleagues. This will facilitate access to important information and contribute to more effective implementation of improvements.

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