LinkedIn Social Selling Index

All established companies worldwide focus on building their online presence, prioritizing social media channels because that’s where most of the action occurs.

There’s simply no better place to grow your brand awareness and credibility while also bridging the gap between your customers and your product or service, which is why social selling has boomed over the last few years.

While there are several effective channels, according to numerous social selling stats, LinkedIn remains by far the most popular one among both businesses and buyers:


Though company profiles can and should be

Optimized and consistently engaging, content oman phone number details posted by employees on their personal accounts receives 8x more engagement!

But how can you track, evaluate, and refine your social selling performance on LinkedIn?

Phone Number Data

Introducing the Social Selling Index (SSI)—a score provided by LinkedIn that measures the effectiveness of your profile’s social selling efforts.

Now, let’s find out how it works, why it’s important, and how to improve your SSI.

What is the LinkedIn social selling index (SSI)?
The social selling index (SSI) is a score Quick Signs provided by LinkedIn (out of 100) by analyzing your social selling performance.

The formula of the SSI is based on your effectiveness of LinkedIn’s 4 key activities:

establishing your professional brand
finding the right people
engaging with valuable insights
building relationships
(more details on each of them in a bit…)

Why does your LinkedIn SSI matter?

Though not talked about enough, social selling is one of the top underrated SaaS growth strategies that has the potential to improve your business’s long-term success.

Rather than providing vague or ambiguous benefits of building the SSI for B2B professionals, here is some concrete data on the right from the source:

45% increase in business opportunities for those with higher SSI scores;
51% more likelihood to reach their business quotas;
78% of social sellers outperform their peers who don’t leverage social media.
social selling index linkedin score

Source: LinkedIn

On top of that, building your SSI score will also supercharge your personal brand, which has become increasingly important for sales professionals to effectively connect with potential buyers and partners.

A strong LinkedIn SSI score gives a solid boost to your professionalism and expertise in your field, not only enticing high-profile business leaders to engage in business with you but also significantly growing your company brand reputation.

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