Stages of website promotion. Complete instructions 2024.

Stages of website promotion. Complete instructions 2024.

Maxim Zakharov
Founder of WillDay Studio
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Who works on website promotion?
Stages of website promotion
0. Stage zero

1. Registration in Yandex and Google services

2. Analytics
3. Collection of the semantic core
4. Building the site structure
5. Internal optimization
6. Interlinking
7. Improving website usability and design
8. External website email data optimization
9. Increasing conversion on the site
10.Expansion of the semantic core and search for growth points


Friends, in this article we want to reveal in detail all the stages of website promotion. We will share our ten years of experience. The information will be useful to those who want to structure all the knowledge in their head and put it on the shelves.

Who works on website promotion?
SEO is not only about optimizing headers and writing meta tags, it is also about improving the usability of a website, design, refining the program code, etc. If you are promoting a website yourself, you need to combine all of these positions. To implement simple projects, a team of SEO specialists, copywriters, and programmers is possible. Large and complex projects require a wider range of specialists to effectively solve the tasks at hand:

In agencies, the following team usually works on a project:

project manager;
SEO specialist;
link affordable lumber removal services for contractors builder;
content manager/copywriter.
Stages of website promotion
0. Stage zero
If you are struggling for efficiency, then you should not mistakenly rely on the fact that now you will make a website, and only then you will deal with SEO optimization. It has long been known that SEO begins with design long before the creation of the site. Reworking a project is always more difficult, especially when everything in the structure and design has already been agreed upon. If you have not yet started cell p data creating a website, then we advise you not to neglect this stage.


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