Copywriting techniques for writing Facebook Ads

Some are better and some are worse. But you won’t find a complete master’s degree—an A to Z encyclopedia—on Facebook Ads in any of them.

You’ve probably arrived here looking for an anthology of the best resources, one of those “all-in-one” articles that allows you to build an advertising campaign from scratch, without having to resort to a paid course or go crazy reading fragmented information in different loose posts throughout the Internet.

Well, I’m sorry to say that you won’t find information here on how to set up campaigns, segment audiences and optimize ads. But you will find something much better: I’m going to teach you a series of proven techniques that will help you write better online ads .

If what you need is to learn how to write online ads —one of the most difficult parts and one that almost no one explains correctly—, then keep reading because everything I am going to tell you in this article is essential for the success of your Facebook Ads and Instagram Ads campaigns .

However, if you want to learn how to set up online campaigns from scratch, then it would be best to read articles like this one first .

Table of Contents Hide ]

  • Get to know your potential client better
    • The big change in purchasing processes
    • The temperature of your leads
    • The buyer persona
  • The perfect structure for Facebook Ads and Instagram Ads
    • The most common format in Facebook Ads
    • Particularities of an Instagram ad
  • AIDA sequence as a guide to writing your ad copy
    • A – Catch the reader’s attention
    • I – Generate interest
    • D – Provoke desire
    • A – Motivate an action
  • 7 Psychological Hacks That Will Improve Your Ads’ Persuasiveness

Get to know your potential client better

Platforms like Facebook Ads or Instagram Ads have become the panacea for many online businesses.

And not only that: the power of these tools is so high that any business can reach a large audience of potential customers with total ease and without large investments.

However, as I believe you do not intend to give Mark Zuckerberg a new mansion by pouring money and more money into ads that do not work, you will have to make an effort to optimize the campaigns and manage them as efficiently as possible .

Only in this way will the results be more positive, and the cost per sale, per new click on your links, or per lead you obtain will be lower.

Although, as I explained in the introduction, the aim of this post is not to give you a complete guide from scratch on how to set up this type of online campaigns, it is important to have some things clear before you start writing ads.

The first thing you should do, therefore, is an exercise of introspection prior to the development and execution of the campaigns , which will allow you to improve your advertising actions.

And this reflection has a lot to do with getting to know your potential customers better . You have to know how they think and why they buy your products and services, when in many cases they could buy from the competition.

With this information, not only will it be easier for you to set up your entire campaign from scratch, but your ad copy will also flow more smoothly and be more effective.

The big change in purchasing processes

It is important to understand that purchasing processes have undergone a radical change.

Whereas before it was companies and professionals who “sold” their products and services to their potential clients, now it is the clients who “buy” the products and services they need.

This means that almost all buyers are immune to the sales techniques employed by sellers.

It can be said that today Western society is made up of more mature consumers who are less receptive than before to advertising and sales messages .

In fact, the volume of impacts has multiplied so much that they now go unnoticed and we live with them without even realizing they exist. Internet users are able to browse a website without even paying attention to the ads they show us.

That is why today it is more important than ever to understand what the new consumer is like .

Until a few years ago, it was common to sell a product or service. And value was only delivered to those customers who bought that product or service.

But today the process has changed: now you need to deliver a lot of value to customers before the order is placed .

This implies that the seller should not put excessive pressure on his potential clients.

Instead of using aggressive techniques like in the past, they now only sell businesses that are more subtle, that deliver a lot of value and that seduce their clients by showing at every turn how they can solve their problems.

Before you start selling, you should do the following:

  • Provide more information : you must understand that it is impossible to sell without informing. Many customers may come to your website with the sole intention of obtaining more information. And if this information satisfies them, then they may decide to buy.
  • Deliver more value : I don’t know if you’ve noticed that any expert who sells their services on the Internet spends all day explaining and teaching what their work consists of. Logically, that type of value would only be delivered to clients who are willing to pay for their services. But we are so saturated with information that clients today only hire services (or products) from those professionals who have previously provided them with a lot of value in a selfless way and without expecting anything in return.
  • Advising before selling : Whereas in the past, when professional advice was necessary, it was common for an expert to charge for it, today we have all become accustomed to solving many of our clients’ problems for free. And when the client feels that you have advised him well, he will then be willing to pay for other services that he can no longer solve himself.
  • Earn the trust of your potential customers : Trust is essential to selling your products and services. That’s why social proof and testimonials from satisfied customers are more important than ever today.

The temperature of your leads

Many clients, when they ask me to write their ads, always explain to me that their goal is to sell more.

In these cases, I ask them: who exactly do you want to sell to? People who don’t know you at all or people who buy from you frequently?

What I really do is ask the client a series of questions to determine which audience the ad will be shown to.

Because it is not the same for Facebook to show an ad to a person who does not know your business or your products, than for Facebook to show it to someone who visits your website regularly (as occurs with retargeting campaigns ).

In short: before you start writing your ad copy , you need to know what audience you are targeting and what the temperature of the traffic you want to attract is . And depending on that temperature, you will have to use more informative texts, so that they get to know you, or more persuasive texts, so that they buy from you.

There are three types of potential leads that can reach your website:

  • Cold leads : These are usually people who don’t know you at all and don’t even know what you sell. Before having contact with a brand, everyone came to that brand for the first time as cold traffic. They may have references to you through your activity on social networks, through word of mouth, through specific ads that lead to your website, etc. It’s difficult for you to sell something to these people who don’t know you at all on their first visit. In these cases, your goal should be to provide them with value, to let them know that you are an expert in your business and that you are truly capable of helping them solve their problems.
  • Warm leads : Warm leads are people who already know you. They may have subscribed to your mailing list (after downloading your lead magnet ) or are followers of your social media. They usually visit your website and read your posts frequently. As a person goes from cold to warm, the possibility of selling them something increases; but the advertising message must be different and adapted to that type of audience. It is difficult to sell expensive products or services, although you can sell cheaper ones.  
  • Hot leads : These leads already know you well and are interested in the solution you offer. They know they have a problem and that you can solve it with your products and services. The key to considering them hot is that they begin to trust you. Since they are willing to buy your products or services, you have to adapt the message to be sufficiently persuasive and convince them to place the order now and not put it off for later.

The buyer persona

Now that you know what type of message you should write based on the temperature of the audience you want to target, you have to think about what your ideal client is like.

You need to use your sales history and industry studies to understand what kind of customer you are most likely to purchase your products and services from .

You should think about whether the person is a man or a woman, how old they are, what their family and professional situation is like, how much they earn, what problems are bothering them, what unmet needs are worrying them, what their hobbies are…

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