How to make money online? Paolo Moro explains it to us
Today I have the pleasure of publishing an interview with one of the pioneers of online earnings in Italy : Paolo Moro. The subject of the interview is one of the most searched for on the net, namely ” how to earn online / via the internet “. It is one of the most searched because it is often thought that the Internet is an El Dorado where, with a few clicks, it is possible to earn incredible amounts of money. Obviously, like all “easy promises”, it is a wrong expectation, but there is no need to despair: there are approaches, strategies, tools and virtual places where you can train and find your own way to earn money online. [Read the articles of the newly created category
Earn Online on Bee Social
But let’s leave the word to the experts… 1. Paolo, how did you approach the world of the internet? When did you realize that it was your passion and there were business opportunities? I remember that in 1998 I created a website – embarrassing looking – with some classmates as part of the final exam. We were self-taught because not even the teachers at the time had the skills to develop a website. In those years there were various types of advertising services that, once installed on your computer, allowed you to earn money. I followed that world by participating in an online forum that no longer exists for several years.
In this context I discovered that there
Was also the possibility of earning by inserting advertising banners within your own site independently, that is, without having a formal contract with an advertising agency. These are the very first affiliate programs active in Italy. There were no more than 5 in total, today there are hundreds. At the end of 2000 I created the site to india email list talk about these systems, in 2003 my earnings were sufficiently important to transform what was a simple hobby into a professional activity. In the following years the visibility/credibility obtained through al Verde opened up several avenues for me: I did SEO & web marketing consultancy for very important companies and I also launched, together with a partner, a company that deals with creating content for the web and professional translations (respectively with the brands and ).
All these activities continue to this day
If you had to identify the most profitable source of online income, which one would you choose? There is no single answer. The most important source for me may not be as important for others. Everyone must find among their skills and among their “properties on the web” what is the potentially most important source of income and then believe in it: study, try, fail, learn and try again until you get the best possible result. The advice – perhaps obvious – that I can give is to think of “something” that is truly useful for a not too small group of people.
It can be a site full of content aimed at solving a problem or a community of people who communicate through a social network to achieve a common goal, a service for which people are willing to pay, etc. If you create value for a group of people, a method to directly or indirectly monetize it can be found. 3. If I had to indicate instead the most easily achievable source of online income? The easiest activity, at least for me, is to create a website and earn money with advertising using Google AdSense, affiliations and various types of advertising networks .
The economic results depend on
The ability to choose a monetizable topic and the ability to bring traffic to the site at a cost that will obtain a positive return on investment. Traffic, in fact, does not necessarily have to be free. Today there are excellent tools such as Facebook Ads to obtain targeted traffic at reasonable costs. Earning a little with this system is quite easy ; to earn financial cloud 4 strategies strengthen data power a lot, however, you need experience and perseverance because often things do not go as expected right away. 4. Earn money with affiliate marketing: at a superficial analysis, it would seem difficult to earn anything, given that advertisers only pay for sales made or contacts received.
What advice do you feel like giving to really earn money with affiliate marketing
There is a fundamental aspect that influences the conversion rate of affiliate links , making the probability of earning with affiliate marketing more or less high, all other conditions being equal such as the quality of the product/service ca cell numbers promoted, the effectiveness of tracking, the usability of the site that sells the product/service, etc., but I’ll tell you next time…. I’m joking! If you find this free resource useful, just give me a +1 below 🙂 Affiliate marketing works if we can propose a credible solution to a concrete problem at the very moment the user is looking for it.
It seems like a very abstract concept, but it is not at all. For example, a user searches on Google for “best electric drill for wood” because he needs to buy one to do a particular job ( problem ). Enter a web page that explains in a really useful way what features a drill must have depending on the use we have to make of it ( solution ) and then lists some drills with these features and connects them via affiliate links to a reliable e-commerce that sells them.