Discover LinkedIn Advertising

What is LinkedIn Ads?

LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional network with over 750 million active professionals. It’s a great platform to invest in advertising and reach our target audience.

LinkedIn Ads are paid advertisements that appear qatar mobile numbers database  on this professional social network. You can define your marketing objectives such as generating leads, promoting your brand, getting registrations for your events, visits to your website, among others. You can also segment your audience to reach a more specific audience with the wide variety of types of ads that exist on LinkedIn.

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If you want to learn more about LinkedIn ads and include them in your digital marketing strategy, keep reading.

Audience segmentation:
It is very important to segment your audience since you will group users with certain characteristics to offer them the most personalized ads possible.

The segmentation possibilities that the platform gives us are the following:

Name, sector and size of the company

Position, job function, seniority and years of experience.
University, academic disciplines Quick Signs and degrees; that is, the person’s level of education.
Groups: used to segment people who are part of specific social network groups.
Professional skills: these are filled out by each member within their own profile. They allow us to reach people who have entered a specific professional skill. For example, you sell a web analytics tool and you want to reach web analysts who already use other similar tools.
Company Followers: You can target your ads to only those users who are following your Company Page on LinkedIn, or to those who are not.
Company contacts: With this type of segmentation you can reach only those users who are your first-degree contacts and who work at certain companies.
You can mix all of these options together to reach the people who are closest to your goals.

Types of ads
LinkedIn Ads offers us different creative ideas to achieve our goal:

Some tips to optimize LinkedIn video ad performance:
Show the most eye-catching content in the first 10 seconds of the video.
Experiment and test different ad formats to find the best combination of content and video length.
Deliver your message with graphics, people and text that will engage your target audience.
Text ads: These consist of a title, a short text and an image. These ads appear at the top of the page or on the right side of the social network. To attract the user’s attention and achieve more conversions, it is essential to use a descriptive image and a clear and direct message.

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