Difference between Google Ads and Google

Basics of attribution models in Google Ads and Analytics

Let’s start at the beginning, three basic concepts that need to be clear before we begin: Google Ads attribution models, the conversion window and the attribution moment.

Attribution models
Attribution models are the rules that determine how singapore phone number list conversions are assigned across different touchpoints in the path followed by a converting user. Within Google Ads we can choose between the following.

Last click: The last touchpoint will receive 100% of the conversion
First click: The first touchpoint will receive 100% of the conversion
Linear: Each touchpoint will share credit for the conversion.
Decay over time: Touchpoints closer to conversion will receive more value.
Conversion window

Phone Number

In the case of Google Ads, you can choose from 7 to 90 days in the case of post-click and from 1 to 30 days in the case of post-impression.

Moment of attribution

Google Ads conversion tracking attributes Quick Signs conversions to the day and time of the user’s last click on one of our ads. Analytics, on the other hand , attributes conversions to the date of the conversion.

Also, be very careful if when comparing data the period does not cover both dates, as even more discrepancies will appear .

Google Ads and Analytics attribution models
Having gone through the basics, let’s get to the heart of the matter. The Google Ads attribution model is the one you choose (linear, last click, first click…), but in Analytics the default is the last non-direct click . If you enter through a direct source (bookmarks, favorites, URL autocomplete…) Analytics does not attribute to these channels, and will only do so at the last non-direct step prior to conversion. We know that in theory this is a mess, let’s see it with an example.

Practical example
Below I propose a user purchase sequence with a standard conversion window (30 post-clicks and 1 post-impression) and a linear Google Ads attribution model.

The difference here between both channels is the attribution time . While G.Ads attributes and counts it on January 1st, Analytics attributes it to the 3rd, but counts it on the 5th, which is when the conversion took place. Therefore, if you go to view the data in Analytics on January 4th, you won’t see anything, but on January 5th you will see it, attributed to the 3rd.

Multichannel funnels
Hidden, but it’s there. As shown in the image, Conversions > Multi-Channel Funnels > Model Comparison Tool. In this report, you can see all the other models, as well as compare them with each other.

Our beloved Paid Search channel is experiencing a 25% drop in the number of attributed conversions.

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