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Superhost dmitry polikarpov: “You need to choose your niche in daily rent”

Read about the franchise that will protect you from mistakes, the general naming of objects and the difference between the daily market in 2018 and 2024 in the interview.

From rental to daily rent under a franchise

– Dmitry, please tell us a little about yourself. Why did you decide to engage in daily rentals?

– For a long time, I worked for philippines telegram data  hire in decent production positions. At some point, our relationship with the owner began to deteriorate, and my wife and I, looking ahead, decided to try something of our own. In addition to my main job, I “played around” with apartments for a long time: bought, sold, rented out, and so on. Therefore, we turned our attention to real estate and, accordingly, to daily rent as a way of earning money. So, little by little, while I was still working for hire, we started a daily business.

– So, at first you combined rent and work?


– We combined, yes. Like Develop a social strategy  everyone else, we started with one apartment. Due to my work, I traveled a lot on business trips. So my wife helped me combine daily rent and rent.

– In what year approximately did you start doing daily rentals?

– Somewhere in the fall of 2018.

– Which object was launched first? To what extent was this a conscious choice?


– The thing is that, as a pragmatist, I don’t like to make mistakes where people have experience. That’s why we bought a small Home search engine optimization mails  franchise from the guys from Izhevsk. They introduced us smoothly to this business. They told us what’s what, introduced us to electronic tricks and booking platforms. With them, we successfully launched the first apartment, which we found through a realtor. We rented it and continued looking for other apartments along the way.

– Was it a one-room or two-room apartment?


– It was a small two-room apartment in the historical center of the city. We initially planned to rent out the property there, since Yaroslavl is the capital of the Golden Ring. The apartment was located right in the UNESCO zone.

– Also quite pragmatic.


– It wasn’t that difficult for us in this regard, because the guys from the franchise helped us at first. We didn’t experience any critical inconveniences.

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