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Analytics configuration does not

The name is not what is important, but rather the content and the work carri out in that process, and here I am sorry to say that not all of us do the same work (and therefore the results and costs that you can expect from a proposal of this type are very variable).

more than 10 years of learning, during which

We have gradually add and organiz the pieces of what we should do with a client to professionalize their use of Google Analytics. But beyond the process we follow, which is sure to continue changing and improving, what we are 100% clear about is what it should allow you to do so that it provides real value to the business beyond wanting to do it well. Below we will list and explain the 10 objectives that we believe a proposal for professionalizing Google Analytics should pursue.

Orient the tool fully towards boosting your business objectives

Google  start from your website or your app, but from a personal forum in which you define what the company wants to achieve, what decisions and questions office 365 database should be support by data, and what would be the ideal data to answer each question.


special data


With knowlge of the stakeholders

We build a Google Analytics focus on obtaining relevant insights for the actions and strategies that the company develops. It is not about measuring a little of everything, but rather controlling in detail what most affects your objectives. In this way, you will google search console be able to acquire key knowlge of your business and build ways to impact your KPIs.

Make it easier for yourself and your team to do analysis on a daily basis

You have to look at the data, not fight with it. A good GA4 configuration will have campaigns and URLs, but it will mean that you don’t ne to look at snbd host that information. Instead, you will have the ability to analyze the information directly: just as you ne it in your reports. In this sense, at IKAUE, we advocate above all facilitating the analysis process from Macro to Micro for each part of your data.

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