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Content Marketing: 3 Mistakes That Are Driving Your Leads Away

Alan Vaynor
Alan Vaynor
Digital Project Manager at Ditt. Passionate about Digital  telegram database users list Marketing, loyal to teamwork and follower of new industry trends.

Wrote 4 posts



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Are your results not what you expected?

It’s time to change your strategy! Learn to detect the factors that may be negatively affecting your Inbound Marketing actions .

There was attraction, there was chemistry: that user who was browsing the Web looking for a product or service that would solve his problem, entered your Site and what he saw caught his attention enough to add him to your company’s Database . Congratulations, you have a new Lead !

What’s the next challenge? Getting attraction to turn into lo how can you keep your team motivated? ve, or the lead into a client. Where to start? We recommend checking your content strategy and making sure you’re not making any of the 3 most common mistakes that could lead to failure .

Mistake #1: Rigid structures

Building a truly effective Content Marketing strategy means being clear about all the functions that each of the resources you have at your disposal perform . Knowing in depth the different ways in which you can snbd host  use them will allow you to get the most out of them.

You probably think, like most brands, that the main function of your company’s Social Networks is to create a community and brand image (and not to sell). You also probably consider Email Marketing messages as the most appropriate vehicle to spread promotions and carry out actions to reach your Leads for purely commercial purposes.



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