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Content Marketing Checklist: Optimizing a Post to Be in the TOP

Having a blog on your website with articles that rank well in search engines allows you to be above your competitors and gain greater visibility in the SERPs.

If you want your content to help you rank on Google , I recommend that you don’t miss this checklist to optimize your posts like a PRO.

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  • Checklist for optimizing an SEO article
  • Meta tags: title, description, H headings, and tags
    • How to optimize the Title or SEO Title
    • How to optimize the Meta description or SEO Description
    • H1 – H Headings
    • Tags or meta tags
  • Friendly URLs
  • Internal and external links
  • Responsive version for mobile devices
  • Alt attribute on images
  • Spelling and punctuation
  • Call to Action (CTA)
  • Conclusion

Checklist for optimizing an SEO article

When it comes to optimizing an article, you may not know where to start or what points to pay more attention to.

That’s why it’s very useful to have a checklist on hand, with which you can review your article before publishing it, or modify some aspects of the posts that are already ranking on Google.

The Checklist I show you in this article has helped me complete and improve the all-in-one SEO tool Serpstat , where you will find templates with checklists to carry out different SEO and marketing tasks.

I’m going to use some of them to explain to you step by step in this article how to optimize your content.


Ready to optimize your articles?

Follow each of the points to ensure the success of your post on Google.

Meta tags: title, description, H headings, and tags

What are meta tags?

The name comes from the English “meta tags” and they are nothing more than HTML tags on a web page.

These are necessary for search engines to properly understand the information on a page and then display it when the user performs a search and you can rank for it.

This is how you can see them in the page code:


When a user performs a search in the search engine, it displays different results and the first thing they will read on your page is its title and description.

It’s what draws attention and pushes people to click on your result.

That is why I recommend that you take your time writing these meta tags to create an attractive Title and Description.

Let’s see how to optimize each of them.

How to optimize the Title or SEO Title

The metatitle plays an important role when it comes to ranking high in search results.

For this reason, in the title you have to answer the query that the user makes in the search engine.

This is how you can see it in the search results:


What should you include in the meta title?

  • The keyword that best defines what your article is about
  • Maximum extension of 70 characters, so that it is displayed in full and not cut off
  • Be unique and not duplicated on another page of the website
  • Make it attractive. Think about whether you would have clicked on the link.


How to optimize the Meta description or SEO Description

Having a good description is just as important as having a good title.

It is the first summary that a person can read before clicking on the link and it is also what helps you choose your result among all the others.

How to get chosen over other results?

Being able to understand the user’s query as best as possible and describing it briefly.

You can see the description in the search results, below the page title and URL.


What should a good meta description have?

  • Enter your keywords naturally
  • Length of 150-160 characters
  • It is unique and is not duplicated on other pages of the website

If you have any doubts about how your page title and description will appear in Google SERPs, you can use the SEOmofo tool .


H1 – H Headings

What are these H headers?

H1 is the title of your post, the most important one. For example, it could be the title of a book.

H2 are the phrases or questions with which you begin each section within an article. Continuing with the simile, the title of each chapter.

What if I need subsections? You can use H3 without any problems.

When used correctly, the structure of an article will be easily understood by the user and by search engines, providing it with hierarchy.

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