Conversions by conversion time in Google Ads

This makes data attribution and interpretation quite complicated, especially when comparing metrics from Google Ads and Google Analytics . Generally, while Google Ads attributes conversions based on the time of the click, Analytics does so based on the time of the conversion .

Conversion columns by conversion time in Google Ads

In Google Ads, however, we have the possibility to display singapore number list  the conversion columns by conversion moment:

Conversions by conversion time
Conversion value by conversion time
Value/conversion by conversion moment (AOV)
All conv. by conversion time
Value of all conv. by conversion time
Value/all conv. by conversion time
Cross-device conversions by conversion moment
Multi-device conversion value by conversion moment
As you can see, we have a lot of options to analyze the quality of traffic based on conversions per conversion time in Google Ads, although we do not have profitability metrics (ROI / ROAS) under these criteria. Don’t panic! We can calculate these metrics.

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Calculate profitability metrics based on conversion time
By creating custom columns we can calculate the return on our investment based on the moment in which the conversion was generated, and not the moment in which the click occurred.

Also, remember that we can apply segments to our custom columns, so we can calculate the ROAS of X conversion based on the conversion moment. This way we can see the difference in conversion attribution by conversion moment or by interaction moment, depending on the type of conversion.

The same goes for cost per acquisition metrics, we don’t have Cost/conversion by conversion moment columns, but we can calculate it manually and analyze it for our campaigns.

Why is it important to analyze conversions by conversion moment?

When we work with long attribution windows, it Quick Signs is difficult to identify a trend quickly and, therefore, it is difficult to make decisions and carry out actions quickly. Basically, the data takes time to arrive. If today I have generated 200 conversions but the route is long and Google attributes them to interactions that took place (for example) 15 days ago, how can I know that today was a good day and that I can tighten up by raising bids or budgets?

With the information by conversion moment, we will be able to see that many conversions are being closed today , that the trend is good and that, therefore, it is worth increasing the investment in order to maximize conversions.

We see that, in general, when we look at time periods close to the current moment, metrics based on the time of conversion are better than those based on the time of interaction. However, if we look back beyond our attribution window, we will see that the data varies.

Would you like to analyze your investment by reviewing the metrics at each conversion point?
We believe that it is a good analysis to carry out, which usually provides valuable and actionable information and gives us data on how our clients behave: how much time passes from interaction to conversion, how impulsive they are, etc.

Tell us how you apply this analysis to your Google Ads strategies ! And if you have any questions about the best way to interpret this data, write to us so we can help you get the most out of your advertising investment.


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