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Digital Marketing Trends for 2018, Highlight Now!

The world of digital marketing continues to innovate at such a fast pace that in 2018 there are major advances in the trends that will dominate the sector and impact all technology users worldwide. This is why a strategic re-evaluation process must be initiat to remain at the forefront of the market.

So much so that the technological changes

That are a daily part of our routine lives have allow us to revolutionize and improve in many aspects our way of interacting and even perceiving the real world. The first thing to know is that Instagram was shareholder database consolidat in 2017 as the most innovative social network and digital marketing tool, so we must be attentive to all the new features that it will bring systematically, so as not to be surpris. For its part, Facebook remains and LinkIn will begin to gain quite a bit of strength at the level of professional contacts; so it should be includ in the marketing plan in 2018.


Now, as we know, you ne to identify the trends that you should consider in your strategies, so we have list everything that is coming and is strengthening so that you can achieve your goals. We detail:


360° is here to stay

The new way of incorporating advertising into digital marketing content went from memes to the innovation of 360-degree or panoramic images that at the end of 2016 were well receiv by users, especially in Latin America, due to the interaction and resolution of this tool. Well, this process is here to stay, so get creative and start visualizing it in your next actions.
Virtual reality that feels quite “real.” This point represents we find points of interaction between the consumer multiple opportunities to introduce advertising in a dynamic way and without losing the attention of users, allowing for greater acceptance and recall of your brand on a digital level.
Online shopping is now a necessity. If you have a brand, you must start selling through mobile devices. If you want to survive, you must modernize and start providing e-commerce options.

Live videos

As you may have notic, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook have incorporat live images and the acceptance has been significant. Now, companies have begun to notice the ne to appear closer and, even better, more real. If you haven’t tri or consider it, now is your time.
Voice as the first option. Technology spoils us and just as we snbd host gave way to calls in favor of writing, searches are increasingly done orally, which is known as oral SEO. Don’t you know what we’re talking about? Well, searching for words through voice is a trend. This is not going to change for long, rather it will gain a lot of strength, because we will prefer to speak than write. What will happen in a couple of years?
I reject POP UPs. Although we once lov them, we now feel they are invasive. In 2017, pop ups will be less and less desir. So don’t invest in this tool, and instead, increase your budget for other options.

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