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How does the auction work?

First of all, it is important to mention that the domain itself is not auctioned. Only the priority right to register it is being auctioned. The domain must then be registered to the identifier of the contact who won the auction of priority rights. When does the domain go to auction? To be placed in the auction, the domain must first go through several stages. First of all, it must expire . subsequently, the domain works normally for another  days. On the st day, cz.

Nic turns it off and the domain is not available

For re-registration for the next  days. During this protection period of  days (+), the original owner still has the option to extend the domain. How does the home & living website design & development service auction work? Subsequently, there is a change (compared to the previous way of releasing domains). If the owner does not renew the domain, the domain is published in the auction list for a period of  days. After these  days, it is put up for auction. Domains are released for the auction at .

The standard auction duration is  hours

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The auction may be extended if there is a bid in the last minutes of the auction. The auction can be extended up to : a.m. the following day. if none of the bidders quick signs bid, the domain is released for normal registration after the end of the auction. You can participate in the auction at domenovyprohlizec.Cz . the starting price of the priority right is set at czk  for each domain.

The bidding itself then works automatically

So the system bids itself. Always only the lowest necessary amount and only up to the total “maximum amount” you set. the minimum bid amount is defined in advance bh lists and is proportional to the current amount achieved. Attention: the domain can only be registered by the contact identifier that won the auction. It is therefore a contact listed in the moje id account. 
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