How to Check for Duplicate Content: Tools and Tips

You probably know that your website should always contain original content. If your site contains duplicate content, it is a huge mistake that can hurt your site ranking and your reputation. Plagiarism, or passing someone else’s work off as your own without permission, is unacceptable both online and offline. Duplicate content can cause you to be penalized by Google by having your page rank lowered or by having your web page removed altogether from searches. This defeats the purpose of publishing content at all. Another possibility that you have to consider is that others may duplicate the content on your site and try to use it without your permission. These unscrupulous marketers may blatantly use the content you created on their websites without ever asking you or letting you know, and they may end up outranking you in the search engines.

How is Duplicate Content Defined?

Duplicate content is content that appears on more than one online location, meaning different websites. If you publish your own content in more than one place, you have duplicate content. If you copy someone else’s content onto your site or if they publish yours on their site, that’s duplicate content. Search engines can have a difficult time Telemarketing Sales Leads determining which content is more relevant to a query in the search engine How to Check  when content is too similar. The goal of search engines is to give users the best results possible when they search for a particular term. Google and other search engines may choose to exclude duplicate content from their search engine queries.


Some Causes of Duplicate Content

In many cases, the use of duplicate content is not intentional or intended to be malicious. Google refers to duplicate content as blocks of text that are identical or “appreciably similar” within or across domains. Examples of non-malicious duplicate content include store item descriptions and printer-only versions of web pages. Deliberate duplication of content is Quick Signs another matter. When the same content is used on multiple domains in an attempt How to Check  to increase traffic or manipulate search engine rankings, it can be frustrating for people who are attempting to search for information and end up getting the same content in multiple places. This is why search engines do their best to discourage this practice.


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