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How to crop and post photos on Instagram correctly

Quite often, beginners face such a problem as cropping photos when trying to publish a photo on Instagram. Some people are stumped by this, while others believe that this is how it should be. But this is a misconception. The fact is that how to crop after a standard download, the application performs compression. As a result, either the quality of the image is lost, or the necessary details are completely cut off. Let’s deal with this problem once and for all and share only high-quality and impressive photos with other users.

 I suggest we figure out the reasons why this happens

The frame (or square where your image algeria cell phone number list appears when loading) has a standard size of 1080×1080 pixels, or in proportions it is 1:1. There are other sizes that can also be used (we will talk about them a little later). To understand how the image how to crop will look in this case, it is enough to imagine a square in your head. It is also worth mentioning the fact that before it was not 1080 by 1080 pixels, but 612×612. If you take a photo on a phone, the image size is usually at least 1100 pixels.

But this is far from the only reason

Photos are cropped in order to, for molly larrison global program manager, bid manager training example, save space or adapt photos to vertical phone screens. Since pictures look different on each device, the main goal of cropping is to make sure that Instagram pictures scroll and look the same on all devices.

Please note that cropping of photos only occurs with those photos whose size does not meet Instagram requirements. If your photo is of the correct size and proportions, you will be able to upload it without any problems. So how to achieve this result?

What photo resolution should I use on Instagram?

First, you should definitely remember the frist database correct photo sizes. The resolution should be no more than 1920×1080 pixels. Format – PNG or JPEG. Second, you need to decide where and how you plan to independently adjust the size of your photos how to crop to Instagram requirements. In fact, you do not have many options: applications on a mobile device or special programs on a PC. Many photographers, for example, use Lightroom or Adobe Photoshop , where they pre-process photos. In the Play Market, you can download any application you like, where you can both process a photo and change its size.

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