How to Source Music for Your Digital Marketing

How can you ensure that your digital marketing campaigns cut through all the online noise? In this age of multimedia content, delivering a mix of value. Driven content and head-turning visuals is a given—but what about music? Adding well-chosen music to your marketing campaigns . Can help you strike the right notes and set you apart from the competition . With short-form videos growing in popularity on platforms such as TikTok and Instagram . Choosing snappy compositions that grab attention and spark engagement has never been more important. But picking music for your digital marketing isn’t always a case of simply picking a song you like and laying it over a video marketing campaign, digital ad, or piece of social media content. You need to be mindful of the legal rights and boundaries. Here, we’re going to look at the right ways to source music that can bring your campaigns to life.

The power of music in digital marketing

We all love a good piece of music. And it’s amazing how a melody or series of notes can have such a profound effect on us. Music can evoke a strong sense of emotion and is proven to . Sharpen our cognitive health, and help you relax and feel more motivated. Ads with some form of music perform better than others across four key metrics . Creative; empathy; emotive; and information Ads with some form of music perform better than others across four Lead Generation and Telemarketing key metrics: creative; empathy; emotive; and information Add the right track, melody, or sounds to your digital marketing content and not only will you breathe fresh notes into your messaging, but you’re also likely to create a stronger brand connection. This can also lead to: Better brand awareness A stronger emotional connection with your content A greater chance of grabbing attention in a crowded digital space Amplified your brand image Boosted engagement and conversions


Inspiring marketing

This powerful piece of video marketing from outdoors brand Decathlon, for example, was enhanced by its emotionally driven choice of instrumental music. The piece earned huge engagement and amplified its core message in the process . Thumbnail Join for FREE to access this video Also, Starbucks’ ‘Every Table Tells a Story’ campaign video rang out Quick Signs clearly with a soft yet meditative musical backdrop that perfectly complemented its visuals and storytelling. This informed choice of music cemented the ad’s gentle yet evocative feel, really driving the brand message home. Choosing the wrong piece of music would have undermined that ad’s visuals.

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