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How to turn your business online: Part 3 – B2B

What now and what then

Jiří Benedikt, trainer: First of all, I recommend taking a step back, thinking about what value you actually bring to clients. In most cases, it is not enough to simply switch the business to the web. I can’t point a camera at myself and train all day like I’m used to. I have to do it differently – to discover the strengths and weaknesses of the new medium and create the training in such a way that it is just as beneficial for the client even without my physical presence.

Tips for educational platforms: For example, lecturers can try a webinar on Naucmese.cz or an English training course on Udemy.com or Skillshare.com .

Martin Kolčaba, SEO consultant: Don’t panic, but  services don’t take the crisis lightly. Go through all your expenses and cut out what you don’t necessarily need. Try to move professionally, look for ways to improve your business . Modify services and products, even temporarily. If you don’t have an establishment, a workshop, machines and employees, it doesn’t have to be complicated.

By canceling some orders, Martin Kolčab’s hands were freed for business development. “I read articles and watch lectures that I missed. I go through the notes with ideas for new projects. Once in a while I’ll dig into it, throw out complete nonsense, and leave the rest for a point when I have time and desire to deal with it in more detail. Which is right now,” he adds.

Recommended reading: Thinking about a new service or product will make it easier for you with the Value proposition canvas tool. Its use is easy, we describe it in a special article .


How to innovate in a crisis

Jiří Benedikt, trainer: the process of pcb Production  In the beginning, don’t spend a lot of time preparing a new product in detail. Create a simple concept, flyer, example and show it to clients . They are likely to be suspicious, so try offering the product for free to try. If they nod, start rocking it and put on the performance of your life. If clients don’t want to go online at all, think about why that is and what you can do differently.

Practical tip: As a basis, I definitely recommend everyone to have a blog and write on it about what you are working on and what you believe in. Not many people read my blog . But most of my orders come from people who read my blog and like what I write. It’s a long shot, but there’s never been a better time to start than now.

Kateřina Tygl, specialist in online marketing: The current situation has mainly paralyzed the part of the business where I deal with conferences. We had to postpone the Women in Business conference in April to October. We don’t want to hold it online, because I think personal contact is needed in business. So I’m currently focusing mainly on my online mastermind program Marketing Challenge , which I launched before the crisis. Now it can come in handy for a lot of entrepreneurs.

Pricing in B2B

Kateřina Tygl, specialist in online marketing: I haven’t changed the prices much yet. In my Women in Business community, I offered a big discount on the Marketing Challenge. I didn’t give the registration for free because I verified that it doesn’t work even if you want to do a good deed.

Martin Kolčaba, SEO consultant: Since the crisis is negatively affecting all but two of my clients, I adjusted the pricing a bit. I have offered temporary hourly rate reductions or discounted hourly packages to existing clients. I arranged a free exchange of services with someone.

Recommended reading: Martin Kolčaba wrote his tips on how to overcome the crisis in the article Freelancer in the time of the corona crisis .

Jiří Benedikt, trainer: In general, it is good to price your work according to the value it brings to clients. In the  es phone number current situation, I highly recommend keeping the same prices and working to ensure that the client gets the same music for their money as before. Maybe it will be a little different music, but it will still be yours. By doing so, you help build a perception of the value of not only your own work, but also the work of everyone else who is now moving their business to the online world.

How to keep customers

Martin Kolčaba, SEO consultant: I don’t see into all fields, so I will answer from the point of view of the group in which I operate, i.e. freelancers in the field of websites and digital marketing. First of all, the client must see that I consider him a partner and want to help him. If I know that the crisis affects him, we are trying to find a way to a win-win situation.

Practical tip: Reassess your priorities. We sat down with some clients and went through what we have planned together. We rank the tasks with the best ratio of difficulty and benefit first. What was planned, but can wait for now, we postponed indefinitely. It looks like a normal procedure, but in times of crisis we evaluate priorities more consistently and a little differently than in normal situations, advises Martin Kolčaba

Kateřina Tygl, specialist in online marketing: Now the relationships built before the crisis will benefit. I recommend taking a leisurely look at individual clients and their needs and offering them a tailored service.

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