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How will your business start?

Business Model Generation – A. Osterwalder and Y. Pigneur
In this book you will find all the technical information you need about business models, so you can check which one you should use for your business.
The authors found a practical way to instruct us in the most important technical aspects of a business: Customer segments, value proposition, channels, customer relationship, revenue sources, key resources, key activities, key partners, and cost structure. All of these are essential aspects to start any business.

With this book

You will be able to identify your business with one of the five Business Model Patterns proposed by the authors, and you will already know how to start in the technically correct way. But if you think forex database that your business does not fit one of these five models, the book will teach you the strategic elements that you should consider when creating a new business model.
This is a very complete technical book, which is not as heavy to read as other books dealing with these topics.
Now, at this stage, you also need to know what not to do, and you will get that from the next book.


What problems do entrepreneurs face?

3. The Black Book of Entrepreneurship – Fernando Trías de Bes
In this book you will find the most common mistakes that entrepreneurs make; it is actually a method to explain most failures.
The author explains in a crude and realistic way the essential books for successful entrepreneurship problems that entrepreneurs face.
When we see a successful entrepreneur, we almost never notice the problems that he had to overcome and the mistakes that he made on the road to success. Therefore, this book is a must read for those who want to start a business and not make the same mistakes that other entrepreneurs have made.

For example

The book analyzes common mistakes such as giving too snbd host much importance to your idea, choosing your partners poorly, mixing work and personal life, and others of the like.
When you experience for yourself that you can avoid the common mistakes of entrepreneurs, you will be very grateful to have read this book.
By now, you surely have a lot of faith in your business idea, but how can you check if your idea really works? The following book will tell you how to do it.

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