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Indexing is how search engines

organize information after a crawl and before presenting results. Utilizing a well-structured robots.txt file to communicate with web crawlers about which of your pages should not be processed or scanned. Using XML sitemaps to guide search engines through your site’s content and ensure that all valuable content is found and indexed. There are several CMS plugins you can use to generate your sitemap. Ensuring that your website has a logical structure with a clear hierarchy, helps both users and bots navigate to your most important pages easily. Google Search Console is the tool you need to use to ensure your pages are crawled and indexed by Google. It also provides reports that identify any problems that prevent crawlers from indexing your pages.

4. Structured Data Markup Structured Data

Markup is a coding language that communicates website information in a more organized and richer format to search engines. This plays a strategic role in the way search engines interpret and display your content, enabling enhanced search results through “rich snippets” such as stars for reviews, prices for products, or images for recipes. Utilize schema.org vocabulary to tag your website content with specific properties that identify types of data, such as products, reviews, or events. Validate your structured data using this the Schema validation tool or Google’s structured data testing tool. Implement the structured data in the source code of your website. Doing this allows search engines to understand and display extra information directly in the search results from it.

Knowing where you stand in organic search

results is obviously something you want to do if you want to take your SEO seriously. And if you’ve just started, then you might be wondering how you can check your keyword rankings for free. Well, you have come to the right place. This is a guide to how to check your rankings for free using Google Search Console. Plus, I cover the basics of keyword ranking analysis so you know what to do with your data. How to Create A Google Search Console Account create google search account guide Keeping a close eye on your keyword rankings is something you must do regularly. It’s how you know if your SEO strategy is working (or not working).

Google Search Console (GSC) is a free tool, provided

by Google, that can help you with this. Visit the Google Search Console sign-up page. You need a Google account to start. Once you have logged into your Google Account, select property type. You can choose either Domain or URL Prefix. I recommend using the URL prefix as this gives you more verification options. If you proceed with the URL prefix, you can choose between four verification options: HTML Verification File, HTML Tag, Google Analytics, or Google Tag Manager. How to Verify Using an HTML Verification File Check if you have access to your server to upload the HTML Verification File, either via FTP/SFTP clients or a cPanel File Manager.

If you do, proceed with downloading the verification

file provided by Google Search  benin phone number library  Console. If uploading the file via SFTP, connect to your website via FTP/SFTP. Depending on your server, there are different ways to do this. Once connected, upload your file to the root folder of your site (generally, this folder is what contains your wp-content folder, wp-config.php, etc.) Once it is in the site’s root folder, return to Google Search Console. If it is properly installed, then the property should be verified and you will be brought to your Google Search Console dashboard. How to Verify Using an HTML Tag verify google search console property using HTML tag Copy the provided HTML tag in the verification option.

Install the HTML tag in the global header of

your website. You can do this using a Headers and Footers plugin if you’re using WordPress. Save the changes you made to your website’s header. Go back to the property — if the HTML tag was properly installed, then the account should be verified. How to Verify Using Google Analytics If you have a Google Analytics 4 (GA4) account and asynchronous tracking code installed on your site, you can use this option. Select Google Analytics in the verification methods. A Google Analytics account verification screen will appear, click verify. If your Google Analytics code is read, then the account will be verified. How to Verify Using Google Tag Manager Similar to using a Google Analytics verification method, if your website has a Google Tag Manager account and asynchronous tracking code installed, then you can use this option.

Simply follow the same instructions, just under the

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Google Tag Manager verification  this is a sign that the user did not find option. How to Check Rankings for Free on Google Search Console check keyword rankings for free using google search console Once you have your account verified, you can start looking at your website’s search performance. However, if your website is fairly new, then you might need to wait a few days or weeks until you have enough data to analyze. When you have enough to work with, you can start checking your keyword rankings for free. Here’s how: Log in to your Google Search Console account and pick the website you want to check. Remember to verify your website first to do this.

Once you’ve selected the website, you will see

the Overview dashboard, which will show  china phone numbers  the website’s performance, indexing, experience, and enhancements metrics. To check your keyword rankings, click on the Performance report. This is where you will find essential data points like clicks, impressions, CTR, and average position. The Average Position data will show you how high or low your pages are in the search results. To check how your website ranks over time, use the date range selector in the upper-right corner. You can also use this to compare different time periods.  and help find the page that needs some extra work.

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