Premium Tools to Check for Plagiarism

Premium plagiarism checkers come with the ability to check for duplicate content using advanced algorithms. They give you the peace of mind of knowing your work won’t be attribut to someone who didn’t write it. Premium plagiarism tools usually offer reports that can verify proof of originality. Future implications that your work is not original can be contradict . With these reports that can be saved in a PDF format. Examples of premium tools to check for duplicate content include . Grammarly – Their premium tool offers both a plagiarism checker and a check for grammar, word choice, and sentence structure. Platinum – Offers a free quick search or a premium deep search. – Detects exact matches and paraphrased text. It allows them to provide authoritative information on their blog without having to put forth . The effort to create quality content themselves.

Has Your Content Been Scraped?

The content on your website should be completely original, and the above tools can help you to make sure you have not inadvertently made . Your content too similar to content that appears on someone else’s website. The other reason to continually check for duplicate content is there are websites out there . Who intentionally steal content from someone else’s blog to use on their own. This is typically done using automat software. If you are in the Free Telemarketing Leads Download habit of auditing the content on your own site, you may be able to find that some of it has been scrap. How can you catch content scrapers? What should you do if you discover your content published verbatim on someone else’s site?


Ways to Catch Content Scrapers

Using premium plagiarism tools on a regular basis can help you locate content that you have written on someone else’s site. There are a few other options to catch content that has been scrap. Trackbacks in WordPress may show up in spam if you use Askimet.  Use Webmaster tools, and check links to your site. When you have a large number of links from a particular site, you may find that some of your content has been scrap onto theirs. The only way to be sure is to visit their site and check which pages are linking to your site. You may find Quick Signs  your own exact content appearing on their site. Use Google Alerts to be notified if any of your post titles appear on the web after your content has already been publish.

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