Reasons Nobody Reads Your Blog

While 91% of businesses were using content marketing in 2019 not all are getting good effect from it. If you’re disappointed by your blog’s traffic, you aren’t alone. To be honest, some businesses simply have expectations that are too high – anticipating every post to go viral. However, if after a couple of months of blogging you’re still only receiving a handful of views, it may be time to make some changes. You can learn all about all areas of content with our content marketing course. In the meantime, the following list shares six reasons why no one is reading your blog. Chances are, if your traffic is miniscule, you’re making one of these mistakes.

Your blog doesn’t have a relevant focus

The Digital Marketing Institute prides itself in providing unparalleled digital marketing insights and advice – both through our courses and on the blog. But what would happen if you arrived at our blog next week to discover we had written the world’s best article on cats? Regardless of your personal preference toward them, you’d Reasons Nobody Reads  probably be a bit surprised. After all, you came here to learn marketing strategies, not pet grooming tips. The crux of the Telemarketing Final Expense Leads matter is this – if we began producing blog articles on random, inconsistent topics every week, we’d quickly lose readers. And rightly so! If your blog traffic is struggling, the first question to ask yourself is: Does the blog offer content that people actually want, on a regular, reliable basis? While one great article can drive traffic to your site, it won’t necessarily retain those visitors.


Your content simply isn’t good enough

Gone are the days when you could write a blog post in 15 minutes and rank at the top of Google. With the plethora of high quality sources and a multitude of content channels available today, readers aren’t willing to put up with mediocre content, nor do they have to. If the focus of your blog is on track, then take a look at the quality of your content. Does your blog Reasons Nobody Reads  provide value-add, or is it just rehashing what people can learn elsewhere? Would you actually subscribe to your blog, or would you consider it a waste of time? Poor quality blog posts can turn Quick Signs  customers away – so give your readers something worth reading! If you can’t invest enough time to post daily, transition to a weekly or bi-weekly publishing calendar. It’s better to produce one high-quality piece than 10 embarrassingly cheap articles.

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