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Social Selling: Keys to selling with Social Networks

Juliana Monacchi
Juliana Monacchi
Content Manager at FromDoppler. He loves reading, travelling, and going to the theatre. He dreams of learning to play the drums.

Wrote 43 posts



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social selling

Do you want to increase your sales but don’t know how to achieve it? Try Social Selling, the key is to put yourself in the buyer’s mindset! Change your scheme: recognize that behind every business decision there is a hyper-connected human being.

The way of doing Marketing has changed, discover how to adapt to this context by watching the summary of our last Webinar. The expert Allan Vazquez , Head of Social Strategy at UX Marketing , explained how Social Selling works in this context.

In addition, he provided the keys to understanding digital media as a tool that allows building stronger relationships with the public that are ultimately reflected in a sale .

By building on the similarities between your brand and your buyers, you can align your communication to their way of feeling and thinking . The idea is to make it easy for your customers to understand what you have to offer by telling them stories , experiences , and providing them with valuable content .

Find out how to do all thisd

A by following the advice that Allan gave in this training on: Social Selling, Keys to selling with Social Networks. In this post we will tell you the most important things and below we leave you the complete rec what is the best email client? ording of the Webinar in case you want to listen to every detail.

But that’s not all! Take advantage and sign up now for the next online Tu usa data torial that Ricardo Badillo , Account Manager at Doppler MX , will provide on How to segment your Campaigns to make them more effective.


Why you need Social Selling
When you get too involved with your business, you put on your shirt to the point that you start using very formal, very automated language, with fancy words that confuse your clients.



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