Standard and Custom Events

Facebook Ads Standard Events and Custom Conversions

Standard events
Events are the way we communicate with Facebook Ads qatar mobile number list and measure the actions of users who visit our website through one of our campaigns . They are predefined actions by Facebook, which take place on the website and with which we can record and optimize conversions and create audiences. The first step is to install the Facebook pixel either manually or using an integration with partners. This piece of code will collect all the actions that are performed on the website and collect the necessary data to optimize your Facebook ads.

Phone Number

Once installed, we can start inserting the events that interest us. Facebook Ads offers us a wide variety of standard events to choose from, with the most common actions that users perform (purchase, add to cart, potential customer, etc.)

You should be careful when copying the event code, because it is case sensitive. Imagine you are going to create an add to cart event, ‘ AddToCart’ , but you accidentally write it manually as ‘addtocart’, drama. Facebook will show a non-standard, but custom event in its reports.

Facebook Ads Custom Events

If none of the above fit your needs, don’t worry, you can Quick Signs create custom events for actions that are relevant, similar to standard events. Just like standard events, by setting them up with the pixel code or Conversions API, you can record events, optimize ads, and create new relevant audiences.

Event Configuration
There are two ways to embed the event on our website: manually by tapping the code or with a Facebook tool. We’ll let you decide which one you prefer.

Manually: If you are familiar with handling code, simply choose this option, copy and paste the code snippet just below the pixel, before the
Simple and easy to use.
Facebook Ads Custom Conversions
Facebook Ads custom conversions also allow us to record user behavior, but you don’t need to edit the website code or the pixel to install it . They work in a similar way to Google Analytics destination goals, through very simple rules. One way to differentiate these conversions is through their symbol, standard conversions have an identifiable icon for each event, custom events are accompanied by a blue label and these custom conversions have a star icon. Below we show an example of how to create a custom conversion in Facebook Ads, through a URL rule, when the user visits a page that contains “thank-you-for-contacting” this conversion will skip.

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