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Strategic trends in Social Media 2018

From there, it’s time to catch up on what’s going to be big on social media in the coming days, so you can get ahead of your competition and become an authoritative voice within your sector:

Content Personalization:
There is an increasing tendency to analyse and segment the audience to whom we are going to direct our message and, from there, adjust our content to their particular interests. Personalization is a growing trend in content marketing that also extends, of course, to social networks. Create a solid content plan with clear objectives.

Be more selective:

As platforms offer more and more overlapping features, businesses betting database will need to be more selective in deciding which ones to leverage to implement their strategy. In this regard, it is important to analyze the capabilities of each social network to find out which ones can offer you the best performance.


Listen to the audience

When analyzing your competition, don’t just look at the content they share, but at the comments and mentions they make. Monitoring these comments will help you discover your audience’stastes and, in Ili estas ŝanco festi Halovenon this way, you will be able to improve your brand to offer what they are looking for. To listen to your audience, it is essential to use tools that make this task easier on social networks.

Video will have a strong impact on the content strategy:
The value of video grows exponentially over time as social media evolves. It will help you build your brand and generate engagement, so the feedback from your users will grow considerably.


Customers demand an instant response, and in this snbd host sense, chatbots are the future. They give you the opportunity to interact with your users in a direct and personal way. That is why they will gain a lot of strength in 2018.

Do you know or use any strategies?

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