In a conversation with, Natalia shared her plans to automate manual work, and also told how she initially wrote about guests to get feedback in return. Who is the landlord’s target audience, what requests from guests is she ready to fulfill, and why she doesn’t monitor competitors – read the interview.
How a two-room apartment opened the door to daily rent
– Natalia, how and when did you russia telegram data start doing daily rentals? You have been registered on since March 2022.
– I entered the daily rental business in August 2021. We had a new addition to our family. We moved into a bigger apartment, and a two-room apartment became available. The apartment was in a residential area, and I didn’t know what to do with it. At first, I thought about renting it out long-term, but then I came across a podcast with a girl who has 40 apartments in St. Petersburg. I liked the idea. I found this girl on social media, listened to all her live broadcasts, answers to frequently asked questions, and decided to try the same.
At that time, the city was having a big celebration — Nizhny Novgorod was celebrating its 800th anniversary. The streets were decorated, there were many different events, and it was summer. So as soon as I posted an ad on foreign websites, the apartment was booked for the whole of August. I was shocked because I thought that nothing would work out in a residential area. It turned out to be the opposite. People were coming with their families, it was more convenient for them to rent a two-room apartment, like mine.
– So, which object did you launch first?
– We rented out the Bonch How to crop and post photos on Instagram correctly apartments first . Accordingly, we then bought another apartment – a one-room “LagunaPark” . Already in March 2022, after the departure of foreign sites, I switched to You then raised my superhost status, which played a role, of course. Because there were a lot of reviews, everything went and went, and I continued to work further.
– Is daily rental your main activity, or do you do something else on the side?
– No, it’s more of an additional activity. I’m an interior designer, that’s what I do mostly. And then there was a need to rent out an apartment. I liked everything about the process, and daily rent doesn’t take up that much time.
– How did you choose other objects?
– The LagunaPark apartments are Home search engine optimization mails located in a new residential complex. We looked more at the location, infrastructure, so that it would be close to the center. Next to the house there is a city park “Switzerland”, which has been renovated. In addition, a large water park has opened nearby, where people from neighboring regions come.
The area also played a role. We chose a one-room apartment because in Nizhny Novgorod there is not much difference between renting a two-room apartment and a one-room apartment. Of course, if you buy an apartment, the cost varies significantly, but if you rent it out, then not so much.
– How did you set the price at the very beginning?
– I focused primarily on the apartments that were rented nearby. There weren’t many of them. Considering that my apartment stood out in the photos and amenities, I set the price tag slightly above average – 2800 rubles per day. Now the rent is already 5000 rubles per day.