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The manager will figure out how to quickly find

Critical thinking To make the right decision, a person must be able to consider the situation from different angles, weigh all the risks and opportunities. Let’s say you need to draw up a company development plan. He analyzes several strategies, weighs all the pros and cons, and makes a decision based on this. This is what critical thinking is.

Logical thinking This is the ability to reason logically

For example, you need to develop a plan for implementing singapore phone number library a large task: break it down into subtasks, assign performers, and distribute resources. To complete a project, you need to think logically. That is, you need to determine: which employee to assign to each task based on his or her strengths; what deadlines to set for tasks so that the team can complete everything on time; how to evaluate results. 3. Problem solving skills You can give up at the first difficulties or, on the contrary, come up with ways to avoid troubles.

It is precisely developed analytical

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Skills that help find a way out of difficult situations. For example, the supplier lets you down and doesn’t deliver a batch of goods.  a new partner, thanks to his analytical mind. How it differs from other types of thinking Analytical and strategic thinking Analytical thinking is the ability to analyze information, identify key facts, look for patterns and correctly draw logical conclusions.

For example, analytical thinking

Can be useful to understand the essence of a situation and reduced sales cycle offer rational solutions. For example, if a person has well-developed analytical skills, he will be able to analyze a company’s financial reports or predict market trends. Strategic thinking is a type of thinking that allows you to see long-term prospects and develop action plans to achieve your goals.

Strategic thinking is aimed at the future

So it is necessary to determine the course of development of tg data a company or project. For example, a manager who has such thinking can determine the business development strategy for the next 5 years. He will take into account external and internal factors, weigh all the risks. Analytical and tactical thinking Analytical thinking is the ability to process data. This skill allows you to understand details and highlight important points from the general mass of information.

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