Today I am not talking about Social Media, Technology, Web Marketing or Communication: I am going a bit outside the box because, from personal experience, one of the big themes of the modern marketer or account in dynamic service agencies or in more or less structured companies of any kind is not so much that of acquiring technical skills , the most detailed knowledge on Facebook Ads, the most hidden tricks of Illustrator or Excel. No, and I say this from experience: anyone, really, is able to learn almost any technique or topic, as long as they have the will.
But it is The Modern Markete valid for any sector
The real big issue, if anything, is the managerial ability of an account or a marketer (but also of a Social Media Specialist or a designer – whoever works!) to know how to go beyond the technique or “the right ways to do things” and successfully face the truly arduous elements of the world of work. Among the thousand variables at play, in fact, it is better to focus on what really makes the difference in achieving success and gratification, making a career and also growing personally. I am mainly referring to: Knowing how to speak to the customer , even the most stubborn, making them intimately understand the choices made and the value of the project. Knowing how to communicate with the so-called ” internal customer ” (bosses, supervisors) and with colleagues.
With a view to teamwork for the good of the project
Building your “ emotional intelligence ”, which is not necessarily innate… but the good news is that it can be cultivated. Knowing how to work with planning, managing stress, always using optimism and proactivity . Learn to make decisions and delegate when necessary. Having a problem solving attitude , to the point of making it a sort of lebanon email list conditioned reflex. Develop your Project Management skills (always a complicated subject). Reread this list : I don’t know about you, but it seems to me that these are truly difficult goals to fully achieve, because they are often abstract and involve the emotions of each person, of each worker. Read it again : there are very different aspects between them but if I really had to.
Summarize them The Modern Markete in a single ability it would be:
Knowing How to Sell Selling products and services, “selling” your ideas or strategies as successful, “selling” (but perhaps it would be more correct to say “communicating”) yourself as a person you can trust. The sales process is a sequence of two moments. First, you have to educate yourself. Then, you have to educate the customer.
In reality are so appreciated by the
Human Resources of every company (and unconsciously also by your future clients). In this regard, “Purchasing Tips”: the reliable and well-known Group of Milan, for example, has always organised courses to develop the managerial skills of the worker, whatever his position or sector of employment [on their website you can see what they do]. And since, as I deeply believe, the ability to sell is useful to everyone , even to those who do not embracing innovation in game creation deal with Sales as a company function, right at the end of 2015 the Course in Sales Techniques and Trade Marketing starts , which focuses strongly on objectives, motivation, advanced sales techniques, emotional intelligence and negotiation techniques .
My friend and former boss
Giorgio Soff could sell ice to Eskimos and, in my opinion, he is very successful as a consultant and as an entrepreneur precisely because of his yeezy 350 boost v2s great ability to “sell” himself as a reliable and capable person, even before the products and services he offers. In short, in my opinion, today’s worker, even the one who works on the web, should be ” a little less technical, a little more of a person “.