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The strategic premise

Digital advertising should always start with a strategy that responds to the needs of the public rather than the needs of the medium . Many times we think about channels more than consumers, we want to use Twitter, Facebook, do Email Marketing and everything else simultaneously but without understanding the consumer’s journey .

First you must know your interested audience in depth, as marketing expert Seth Godin says , “selling a product or service to a person who truly wants to hear from you is more effective than interrupting a stranger who doesn’t . ”

Next, it’s important to understand how your audience is  updated 2024 mobile phone number library connecting with brands and understand all the habits surrounding them to determine how they can reach your business.

It is known thatcustomers

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feel emotionally connected to brands , so try asking yourself, how can you generate this emotional connection with your target audience?

The social impact generated by a company has to do with the personal value that leads find in your business: how will your prospects benefit professionally, socially and emotionally by building a relationship with your brand?

This is generally what people are looking to find when following a brand on Social Media:

Stay up to date with brand news.
Find out about special promotions, free products, discounts, gifts, etc.
Discover relevant information.
Get to know other users’ opinions. Did you know that 90% of people who make a purchase decision look at recommendations?
Communicate with the brand more directly.
Establish an emotional bond with her.
Are you human?

Then check how you are speaking

in human language, not in a commercial way.

Latin America is the region with the highest involvement in social media, ahead of Europe and North America. It is the place where people spend the most hours using these media, more than three hours a day! Users hav usa data  e transformed their activity on social media into a habit they cannot live without.

However, keep in mind that the main goal of social medi worst place to exchange currency a is not to sell . It can lead you in that direction, but in reality, it helps build other pillars that are of vital importance :



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