Types of audiences in Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads audiences are the people we want to reach through our ads. Following the entry on Google Ads audiences , we enter a similar world. Facebook gives us the opportunity to create various types of audiences, depending on various criteria: interests, interaction, customer list, similar…

In short, there are several ways to impact our potential client. Now, which one works best, which ones are essential, where are they created… The answers to these questions are below.

Facebook Ads Custom Audience

Let’s start at the beginning. As soon as you access the saudi arabia mobile number list audiences section of your Business Manager , the first option you are offered is custom audiences.

This type of Facebook Ads audience has two data sources :

Your sources: website, customer list, app activity, and offline activity
Facebook Origins: Video, Filling Out a Form, Interacting with an Instant Experience , Interacting with Your Products, Instagram Account, Facebook Page or Post, and Created Events.

Phone Number
Own origins
Client list
A good first step would be to start with a list of your business’s customers (buyers or those who have subscribed to a newsletter). Selecting this option uploads a .CSV or .TXT file with the user data in different rows. What Facebook does is match the email in the file with a user who uses that email with their Facebook account .

In this aspect we may lose some information for two reasons:

Your client does not have a Facebook account
Your client uses a different email for their Facebook account
This is true, it cannot be changed, but these are understandable Quick Signs exceptions within the scope of the measure. We know that we will not be able to address 100% of the users on our client list or mailing list.

Origin on the website
Another very interesting data source is the website. Be careful, because you can only use this type of Facebook Ads audiences if the Facebook pixel is installed on the website. It creates a bridge between Facebook Ads and your website , collecting information about which users have entered, visited so many pages, or even triggered so many events.

If we compare this type of audience with the ones Facebook offers, these seem to be better. A visitor to your page or someone who has completed the “start payment” event but has not converted is more likely to convert than someone who has interacted in some way with your posts.

However, the tables turn with the arrival of iOS14

Origins of Facebook
Do you have a video uploaded and want to create an audience of users who have watched 75% of it? You can

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