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When to Upgrade Web Hosting?

We can identify 4 aspects that signal the need to switch to a. When to Upgrade hosting plan that includes more resources.

Your website is slow
Slow loading web pages will not only cause problems in terms of SEO, but also in terms of conversions: it is estimated, in fact, that users give up browsing websites that take more than 3, 4 seconds to load.

Cloudflare CDN Benefits

If the main values ​​to monitor are aligned and optimized but your site is still slow, it could be a problem of low hosting resources and solvable with a simple upgrade of the hosting plan .

To further speed up the loading of web pages, we offer a free service that can be activated with just one click from the Manager control panel: it is Cloudflare.

To recap, the advantages of Cloudflare are:

Reduced website loading times : User content requests are processed at the same speed everywhere in the world.

Reduction of server load : with the same resources, many crypto fund database more users can be managed simultaneously.

Better security : Threat, bot and malware identification system to block attacks before they reach the server.

Protection against DDoS attacks : The CDN offers protection measures developed to resist massive attacks.

Discover Cloudflare

You need a lot of space for videos and images
Graphics, visuals and attractive web design: these are factors that, nowadays, you need to invest in to create a site that is pleasing to the eye.

Videos and images should be optimized for size, resolution, and loading using lazy loading.

However, if the content starts to become overwhelming and you experience slow loading, we recommend upgrading to a hosting plan with more resources that will be able to better manage your multimedia content.

Traffic to your site is increasing

special data

If you notice that your traffic is constantly increasing, you should ask yourself: in the event of a traffic spike. Would your service be able to maintain an excellent level of performance? And what if the volume of visitors increases permanently?

If the answers to these questions are no, upgrading may not sharing what you do differently and better be the most effective solution to handle these eventualities.

During promotional periods such as Black Friday

Closely connected to the previous point, the sales period

These are crucial moments for your online business: what snbd host would happen if. The load on the site was excessive causing slowdowns or anomalies perhaps right on the checkout page?

Service outages are frustrating for customers and costly for business owners, which is why when certain times of the year. Approach, you should do a preventive check of your website and, if necessary, upgrade your hosting to prevent any inconvenience.

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