You don’t have SEO in mind

Do you remember, back in the day, when you would click on the top . Google search result only to find a spams blog post full of ads and absent of value? Back then, digital marketing consisted of keyword stuffing your blog posts to trick search engines. Even if the article was completely incomprehensible and worthless . The right keyword strategies would get it to the top of search results. Fortunately that isn’t the case anymore. However, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is more important than ever. While social media strategies can give a post short-term bumps in traffic, the long-term, residual traffic will come from ranking high in search results.

Although this can’t be done overnight

There are a few things you can do to improve the SEO of your articles and blog posts. Start by including keyword phrases in titles, subheadings, and within the text. If someone searches for “ways to improve my blog traffic”, a title called “10 Ways to Improve Your Blog Traffic” will usually place You don’t have  higher than a title like “A Blogger’s Journey Towards Telemarketing for Mortgage Leads Discovery and Growth”. Sure, the first title isn’t as creative, but search engines know that it will help the reader. Write your content for people and Google. Use tools and plugins to help monitor and improve your content’s SEO.


One great freemium tool for WordPress users is the Yoast SEO tool

Which is recommended and used by thousands of top bloggers. The plugin tracks your keyword usage across titles, within the text, and on images to improve your content’s chances of being ranked well in search engines. Next, boost the traffic to You don’t have  the blog post through social media, links on your own website, and links from other authority sites. If you’re writing high Quick Signs quality content, people will naturally want to share it – but you can boost your visibility by contacting industry influencers and sharing your new blog post with them. If it would be useful to their audiences, they may very likely mention your site in one of their future blog posts.

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