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You have installed ssl certificate on

Your server and changed default wordpress url to https. This is not the end of the process. To get the seo advantage of https, your website needs to be configured to redirect http requests to https requests. In other words, the default url for all your posts should start with https, not http. The easiest way to do this is to add the code below to your. Note in the code above feedburner is excluded from https. This is necessary if you are using feedburner to generate your rss.

If you are not using feedburner

You can remove the 2 lines (feedburner and feedvalidator). Once you save your .Htaccess file, open a browser window and do some testing. First, try accessing any http url and make sure it successfully redirects to the corresponding https url. Second, try different combinations, for example and make sure they both redirect to the correct https url. Step 4: use find and replace the next step is to fix any internal links you have in your content to point to the https version. For example, if you have internal links in your content that start with http, you will need to change them to point to https, otherwise they will generate mixed content warnings and browsers will not show your site as secure.

The best way to do this is to use a plugin

Install and activate plugins search and replace (completely free). Then go to tools and select search & replace. Select check “ select all tables ” to run the replacement for all tables. Search and replace plugins search and replace data when you click the do search and replace button, the plugin will change all urls it can find in the database from http to https. Step 5: check for non-https links the next step is to check any external links you have in your content and make sure they start with https and not http.

Usually these are links to images

You have uploaded before, but now the update of the above plugin does this. If you are not sure, my previous article has instructions on running the replace command when updating wordpress urls when changing links, new domains . You should band database check it out. There is a rather important note that when you have searched and replaced in the data but the browser bar still shows an exclamation mark about https as shown below that a reader responded to me. You have an error on the article page and the homepage is completely https and is displayed in green.

Https with exclamation mark the solution

special data

That you need to review the links such as images, internal links have switched to https yet. By viewing the source and checking, this is the error. You encountered in the h2, h3 tags because you put the link in the style.Css file. Fix https browser website chat vs phone support. which is better? exclamation mark error step 6: check for broken links if you followed the above steps successfully, then your site should now be fully https free with no mixed content warnings and you won’t have to do anything else. As an extra measure of certainty, you can check and make sure you don’t have any broken links (either http or https).

You can use this free tool by xenu to get

A report of links that need to be fixed. Add your https website to google search console to maintain your current. Google rankings and officially notify cmo emai llist google that your site is now https. You need to add the https variants to google search console. I have very detailed instructions for this in the section on setting up. Your preferred domain in the article: is a domain name www or no www good for seo ? So at the end of the process, you will have 4 types of websites registered in google search console (as shown below).

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