Your content isn’t being promoted effectively

While this is important for everyone, it’s particularly necessary for a new blog. Regardless of how compelling your content is, if you don’t distribute it appropriately, it will never make the required impact. Your content marketing strategy shouldn’t end when you hit “publish” on your CMS. In fact, this should just be the beginning. Spend the next week posting the article on your social media accounts, email it to subscribers of your newsletter, and personally share it with relevant industry influencers who may be interested in sharing it on social media or linking to it in an article of their own. No one is going to advocate for your blog more than you – so make sure you’re putting in the time and energy necessary to guarantee its success. And this doesn’t have to be a full-time job.

Closing Thoughts…

There’s a reason that 73% of organizations have someone in place to oversee their content strategy – it takes a lot of work! But even a small, one-man-shop can benefit from intelligent content marketing. Commit to consistently publishing high-quality, focused content that provides value, share it across your network, and watch your readership grow. As long as you use blogging (and not sales or advertising) strategies for your blog, you can expect to Telemarketing Lead Lists see a healthy ROI over time. Whether you’re a complete beginner, business owner or marketing professional looking to upskill, browse our digital marketing courses to find something perfect for you.


How can your “boring” business market itself using content?

No matter how boring your business might seem, there are people out there who are eager to learn more about you. Through great content, you can reach them. By focusing on the right audience, delivering the right message and publishing the right type of content, you can transform your business from boring to interesting and generate social activity, links and inbound Quick Signs leads from your content marketing efforts. After all, your business isn’t as boring as you think. Answer the right questions and speak to the right people and you’ll quickly discover that your business is far more interesting and remarkable than you may have originally thought!


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