YouTube Audiences

On many occasions, when we think about re-impacting a user through an advertising campaign, which is traditionally known as remarketing, we tend to limit ourselves to thinking exclusively about users who have visited our website and have had a certain behavior on it. However, there are many users who, without ever having visited our website, have already had a first contact with our company and it makes a lot of sense to include them in these remarketing campaigns.

Today, we want to talk to you about YouTube audiences and tell you how to create them, how to configure them correctly and in which cases it might be interesting to use them in our Google Ads campaigns.

What are YouTube audiences ?

YouTube audiences are lists of users created from switzerland phone number list the interactions they have had with our videos, our video ads or our YouTube channel.

For ads, a user will be listed as a video viewer when:

Watch a full ad between 11 and 30 seconds.
Watch at least 30 seconds of an ad that is longer than 30 seconds.
Interact with the ad

Phone Number

Where and what type of YouTube audiences can we create?
First of all, remember that in order to create YouTube audiences it is essential to link our YouTube channel with the Google Ads (or DV360) account.

We will have to go to Tools and Settings > Shared Library > Audience Manager, add a new one and select “YouTube Users”.

We have a lot of options :

Have you watched any video from the channel (any video)?

You have seen certain videos (you will have Quick Signs to select which ones)
You have watched any video (as an ad) from a channel (any video)
You have seen certain videos as advertisements (you will have to select which ones)
You have subscribed to a channel
You have visited a channel
He liked a video from a channel
You have added a video from a channel to a playlist
He has shared a video from a channel
We will select the corresponding channel and decide Therefore, whether we want the list to start filling up from now on or retroactively Therefore, with users who have met the Therefore,  conditions we have established in the last 30 days. Finally, we will have to define the duration of a user’s membership in the list.

We can see the audience we created in the “All audiences” menu. Once Therefore,  the list has obtained interactions from at least 100 viewers, we can use it to segment our campaigns.

It is important to emphasize that you cannot Therefore,  create YouTube audiences based on views of bumper ads or non-skippable ads.

Examples of YouTube audiences. When to use them?
We could say  Therefore, that this type of user is halfway between cold traffic and web remarketing itself. By combining these lists with others, for example, we could create lists such as:

Similar to channel subscribers
Similar to video viewers as an

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