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KPIs and key segmentations that

Part of this improvement exercise comes from the implementation and configuration of the tool itself. Choose the option with the highest data quality in the administrator. Avoid, if they are not necessary, configurations that generate deficiencies. Limit variations in dimension values ​​or the number of events. Aspects that, if not known, can greatly worsen your use and the value of GA and that you should consider during this professionalization of the tool.

Democratize data

Generate a training and reporting example that takes advantage of the built-in configurations and measurements.
Having a state-of-the-art iPhone just to make calls doesn’t make sense, right? You have to take advantage of the resources you have before you. It’s hard at first, you have to go through a small learning curve and put interest into it. It takes time that line data we don’t always have.


special data


That’s why your initial implementation should

Facilitate this discovery and learning. We begin this adventure by generating specializ reporting resources that take advantage of the adjustments made. Reports, explorations or even dashboards that help you take the first steps with the new the color is not too far from data and show you its uses and usefulness. Only by internalizing them will you be able to continue on this path and create new resources or propose dashboards and alerts. This first report will also provide the democratic layer. This data that everyone can and should consult and that forms the backbone of what the company analyses.

Map out your opportunities and next steps

Assess your current and potential data ecosystem.
Finally, and being aware that professionalizing Google Analytics is only the first step, we must talk about evolution and the future. After a reorganization and focusing on what matters, new paths and possibilities open up for the company. There are several points snbd host to resolve: training, definition of new focuses and evolution of the ecosystem.

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